Little did I know that this would also be a day of long lines at restaurants and over-priced roses. That is why on most anniversaries my husband and I stay home and eat at the Valentine's Cafe with our daughters and watch a chick-flick on TV. But NOT this year!
This year we're celebrating our 25th year anniversary and plan to celebrate all weekend! We'll begin by attending a Valentine's Day concert by our daughters, The Vogts Sisters. Believe me, listening to our daughters sweet harmony is one of our most favorite things to do, so this will be a true blessing for us. (Learn more about the concert HERE.) Then on Sunday, our three daughters have planned a special surprise for us--with no hints given until we arrive at our destination in Olathe. All I know is we're to pack an overnight bag with something nice to wear, and to wear comfortable shoes! Oh my! I am excited and eager to find out what they have in store for us!
So how about you? Do you have fun plans for Valentine's Day? Did any of you marry on that day? If so, I'd love to hear from you.