When we arrived at the South Mineral Springs Campground near Silverton, CO, the camp host informed us that several campers had sited bears coming down the mountain as well as moose in the campground. In fact, just three days earlier, a moose and his companion were sited in the city of Silverton.
That's all it took for our eager campers to go on a walk-about in hopes of a treasured wildlife siting. First day--no sign of moose or bear, although I did see some mule deer the next morning when I woke early.
After five days in the camp, all we'd found were a few possible moose tracks (although it's hard to tell due to the daily rains)
and some moose scat (don't eat the pecans!).
What we did see, however, were some beautiful columbine and mountain wildflowers.
Next week, I'll write about an adventure to a ghost mining town. Until then, enjoy the moments . . .