To update you on what's been happening in my world, I just turned in a marketing report for book #2 of Seasons of the Tallgrass and will begin line edits for Snow Melts in Spring soon. I'm pleased to share
my new book cover, which turned out beautiful. The creative team at Zondervan did a super job with this and matched my heroine perfectly to the image on the cover. Isn't she pretty?
Snow Melts in Spring is scheduled to release June 09, so we're at 7 months and counting. The marketing process has begun, which is something I'm really enjoying. I received my first shipment of postcards to give away and have been distributing those to libraries, book stores, friends, family, strangers on the street . . . (Naw, I'm kidding. But it is fun!). If you'd like to read one of my first author interviews, you can click here.
I'm also in the process of creating an author web site, so please bear with me as this site may undergo a few changes as well.Because of spam issues, I'll soon be shifting to newsletter updates rather than the monthly emails I send now. If you want to continue receiving my updates, I encourage you to fill out the newsletter form on the upper left. (It should tell you if you've already signed up.)
I'm also in the process of creating an author web site, so please bear with me as this site may undergo a few changes as well.Because of spam issues, I'll soon be shifting to newsletter updates rather than the monthly emails I send now. If you want to continue receiving my updates, I encourage you to fill out the newsletter form on the upper left. (It should tell you if you've already signed up.)
"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:12-13